Listing Management

4 out of 5 consumers search for local businesses online, is your information correct?​

Listing Management Troy Michigan. Rochester Michigan, Birmingham Michigan

The list of places that people visit online grows larger every year. MI Digital Solution understands how difficult it can be for business owners to stay on top of their existing listings, let alone add new ones. Our team can ensure your information is correctly placed in front of the most popular directories and platforms. This service becomes even more important to organizations that have physically moved or changed important contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, website URL’s, or business hours. When consumers find incorrect information about a business online, 73% lose trust in that business. And, incorrect information abounds — a recent study found that up to 40% of location info online is wrong!

Why have an agency manage your listings?

  • Getting listed on 70+ online directories and websites
  • Quick updates everywhere if anything changes
  • Suppressing duplicate or incorrect listings information
  • Enhances SEO page ranking

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